“I’d place Mark Lucas in the same category where you find the late Townes Van Zandt and John Prine, or Robert Earl Keen: handsome, easy-to-the-ear melodies, beautiful, pure, at times bitter and sardonic lyrics, a number of songs which you could immediately catalogue as “gets stuck in your head”. “Please tell the DJ” is one such, a slow waltz that Willie Nelson could cover to his benefit.” – Dani Heyvaert, Rootstime.be
“… an exemplary example of Australian songwriting, full of beautifully restrained playing and honest lyrics.” – Chris Familton, The Music
“… after all these years writing and recording songs, he’s still got plenty to draw on, and you just can’t fake soul like this.” – Whisperinandhollerin (Ireland)
“All in all, another fine addition to the Lucas catalogue.” – Kim Cheshire, Country Update Magazine
“Though born in England and a man of the world, Lucas evokes the spirit of suburban Australia in “Little Town Blues”. – Martin Jones, Rhythms Magazine
“Expat South London singer-songwriter Mark Lucas has a nice line in sardonic humour spread through his six albums – with and without his Sydney sidekicks The Dead Setters.” – Dave Dawson, Nu Country TV
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