The Parwills – Bootheels of Desire

cd-parwillsArtist:   The Parwills

Title:    Bootheels of Desire

Originally put together as a loose combo of like-minded musicians playing the local Sydney “urban & western” scene, The Parwills recorded & released one album in 1996 featuring eight of Mark’s original compositions as well as a handful of eclectic covers.

“exceptional songs played with great sensitivity and feeling.”
Bruce Elder – Sydney Morning Herald

“THE PARWILLS are a delight. A Rare and very wonderful mix of passion and imagination.”

Anthony O”Grady – The Music Network

“The six piece PARWILLS have everything going for them…BOOTHEELS OF DESIRE is very very good indeed.”
Stuart Coupe – Drum Media

“…undoubtedly on the cutting edge of country music..raw energy that compells you to listen.”
Susan Jarvis – Country Update


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